Rumble Blox Fruit Value

Rarity | Legendary | |
Type | Logia/Elemental | |
Physical Value | 6,000,000 (6.0 Million) | |
Physical Demand | 8/10 | |
Physical Trend | Rising | |
Price Valuation | Fair | |
Beli Price | 2,100,000 (2.1 Million) |

Rarity | Legendary | |
Type | Logia/Elemental | |
Permanent Value | 210,000,000 (210 Million) | |
Permanent Demand | 10/10 | |
Permanent Trend | Rising | |
Price Valuation | Overvalued | |
![]() | Robux Price | 2,100 |
Physical Rumble

Rarity | Legendary | |
Type | Logia/Elemental | |
Physical Value | 6,000,000 (6.0 Million) | |
Physical Demand | 8/10 | |
Physical Trend | Rising | |
Price Valuation | Fair | |
Beli Price | 2,100,000 (2.1 Million) |
Permanent Rumble

Rarity | Legendary | |
Type | Logia/Elemental | |
Permanent Value | 210,000,000 (210 Million) | |
Permanent Demand | 10/10 | |
Permanent Trend | Rising | |
Price Valuation | Overvalued | |
![]() | Robux Price | 2,100 |
About Rumble Blox Fruit
Rumble is a fruit in the game Blox Fruits which is a part of the Legendary Elemental-type category. It was added into the game on June 30th, 2019 as part of the Balancing Update. The Rumble Blox Fruit Value is 2,100,000 Beli or 2,100 Robux. Because it has such stunning abilities and combos as well as high damage output PvP (Player versus Player) players love using this fruit due to its versatility. Working on grinding with elemental immunity but keep in mind that those who use rubber are completely immune to any kind of attack from rumble.
Pros & Cons
Normal Rumble Blox Fruit Pros
Awakened Rumble Blox Fruit Pros
Normal Rumble Blox Fruit Cons
Awakened Rumble Blox Fruit Cons
Rumble Blox Fruit Value
Value ranges depending if it’s in a permanent or physical form. The physical fruit which can be bought at 2,100,000 Beli (2.1 million) has an 8/10 demand rate meaning there are quite a few people wanting them. When trading these fruits they usually go for about 6,000,000 Beli (6.0 million) which is fair and currently going up as more players are finding out how useful they can be in the game.
On the other hand,the permanent fruit is worth 2,100 robux or 210,000,000 (210 million) Beli in trading value. It has a demand rating of 10 out of 10 so people really want this one but many consider it overpriced because of its huge benefits and rarity among others like it.The fact that it’s worth keeps rising shows that it must have some importance within Blox Fruits as being strong and rare items.
Final Words
The Rumble Blox Fruit is highly valued within the universe of Blox Fruits due to its versatility and overall utility. This fruit however does not only give elemental immunity but also works well for PvP as well as grinding among other things; hence making it popular amongst players who appreciate such flexibility. Despite being weak against rubber users while having slow attack speed etc., rumble still remains useful throughout the game since its weaknesses are compensated by other factors like trade value etc.Whether used personally or traded with others; there can never be enough words about how much impact this fruit has had on the world of Blox Fruits.